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The Channel Islands

영국령도 아닌 것이 프랑스령도 아닌 것이... The Channel Islands  5are an *archipelago in the English Channel    The Channel Islands *(Norman: Îles d'la Manche, French: Îles Anglo-Normandes or Îles de la Manche) are an *archipelago in the English Channel, off the French coast of Normandy. The Channel Islands는 프랑스의 노르망디 해안에서 떨어진 영국해협에 있는 군도. * archipelago  [ὰːrkəpéləgòu]   다도해, 군도 ,제도  The Écréhous(or Les Écréhou;..

UK & "God Save the Queen

수정삭제스팸처리 자유공간 ━━━━♡           British Isles & UK & "God Save the Queen"     Jimie 17.08.14 07:59 British Isles & UK & "God Save the Queen"      The 1707 Acts of Union declared that the kingdoms of England and Scotland were "United into one Kingdom by the Name of Great Britain".  The term "United Kingdom" has occasionally been used as a description for the former kingdom of Great Britain, althou..