History & Human Geography

UK & "God Save the Queen

Jimie 2020. 5. 6. 02:57




           British Isles & UK & "God Save the Queen"


Jimie 17.08.14 07:59

 British Isles & UK & "God Save the Queen"  



The 1707 Acts of Union declared that the kingdoms of England and Scotland were "United into one Kingdom by the Name of Great Britain".  The term "United Kingdom" has occasionally been used as a description for the former kingdom of Great Britain, although its official name from 1707 to 1800 was simply "Great Britain".
The Acts of Union 1800 united the kingdom of Great Britain and the kingdom of Ireland in 1801, forming the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 
Following the partition of Ireland and the independence of the Irish Free State in 1922, which left Northern Ireland as the only part of the island of Ireland within the United Kingdom, the name was changed to the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK or U.K.)  or Britain,  is a sovereign country located off the north­western coast of the European mainland.
The United Kingdom includes the island of Great Britain, the north­eastern part of the island of Ireland, and many smaller islands.  Northern Ireland shares a land border with the Republic of Ireland.  Otherwise, the United Kingdom is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, with the North Sea to the east, the English Channel to the south and the Celtic Sea to the southwest, giving it the 12th-longest coastline in the world. The Irish Sea separates Great Britain and Ireland. The total area of the United Kingdom is 94,000 square miles (240,000 km2).
The United Kingdom consists of four constituent countriesEnglandScotlandWales and Northern Ireland.[20] Their capitals are London, EdinburghCardiff and Belfast


The British Isles

The British Isles consists of two large islands and many small ones. The largest island is Great Britain and the second largest is Ireland. 브리티쉬 군도는 2개의 큰 섬과 수많은 작은 섬들이 있는데 가장 큰 섬이 그레이트 브리튼이며 두번째 큰 섬은 아일랜드이다.

Scotland, England and Wales are the countries which make up Great Britain. Great Britain and Northern Ireland, together, make up the United Kingdom. Ireland consists of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

스코틀랜드, 잉글랜드,웨일즈는 그레이트 브리튼이다. 그레이트 브리튼과 노던 아일랜드를 합쳐 U.K., 아일랜드는 아일랜드 공화국과 북 아일랜드로 이루어져 있다.


Scotland + Wales + England = Great Britain
Great Britain + Northern Ireland = the United Kingdom (the UK)
The United Kingdom + the Republic of Ireland = the British Isles
The island of Ireland is made up of the Republic of Ireland + Northern Ireland

Map over The British Isles. Illustration.The British Isles 

The UK is governed from London,

but Scotland, Wales  and N. Ireland also have their own governments for domestic affairs.

The government in London deals with external affairs and defence.

The Republic of Ireland is an independent country.

UK 는 런던에서 통치하지만, 스코틀랜드,웨일즈,노던 아일랜드 역시 지방 사무를 위한  정부가 있다.  

런던 정부는 외무와 국방을 관장한다.  아일랜드 공화국은 독립국이다.



Great Britain is about 1000 km from north to south and about 500 km from east to west at the widest part.

The landscape of the British Isles is varied.

Scotland has most mountains, but there are also mountains  in northern Wales.

Ben Nevis (1,343 m) in Scotland is the highest mountain in the British Isles.

 Northern England has some hills but they are not as high as those in Scotland and Wales.

Southern England is relatively flat and suitable for agriculture.

Ireland is commonly called the Emerald Isle due to the green countryside.


Related image

*Cushag (Ragwort,금불초) for Isle of Man


Union Jack

The Union Jack, or Union Flag, is the national flag of the United Kingdom
The present design of the Union Flag dates from a Royal proclamation following the union of Great Britain and Ireland in 1801. 
The flag combines aspects of three older national flags:
the red cross of St George for the Kingdom of England,
 the white saltire of St Andrew for Scotland and
the red saltire of St Patrick to represent Ireland.
File:Flags of the Union Jack.svg

"God Save the Queen"

(alternatively "God Save the King", depending on the gender of the reigning monarch) is the national or royal anthem in a number of Commonwealth realms, their territories, and the British Crown Dependencies.

군주의 성(sex)에 따라 ...God Save the Queen(또는 King)으로... 콤먼웰스 나라나 영토, 브리튼 왕실속령의 국가 또는 왕실송가 이다.


The author of the tune is unknown and it may originate in plainchant, but a 1619 attribution to John Bull is sometimes made.

 노래의 작가는 미상이나  단선성가(單聲聖歌, 단선율, plainchant)에서 유래했을 것이다.

가사와 곡에 대한 기원은 분명하지 않지만, 원작자에 대해서는 존 불(1562경~1628), 토머스 레이븐스크로프트(1583경~1633경), 헨리 퍼셀(1639경~95) 등 많은 사람이 언급된다.


It is the national anthem of the United Kingdom  and one of two national anthems used by New Zealand since 1977,

as well as for several of the UK's territories that have their own additional local anthem.

UK國家이고  1977년래  뉴질랜드 2개 國歌중의 하나이며, 마찬가지로 UK 영토의 여러 지방은 자체 국가를 가지고 있다.


It is also the royal anthem – played specifically in the presence of the monarch – of all the aforementioned countries,

as well as Australia (since 1984), Canada (since 1980), Barbados and Tuvalu.

In countries not previously part of the British Empire, the tune of "God Save the Queen" has provided the basis for various patriotic songs, though still generally connected with royal ceremony.

앞서 언급한 여러나라들과 오스트레일리아, 캐나다,바바도스,투바루 등에서 왕이 참석하면 특별히 연주되는 왕실 송가이다. 종전 브리튼 제국에 속하지 않은 나라들에서도 왕실행사와 관계시 애국송으로 연주된다.  


In the United States, the melody is used for the patriotic song "My Country, 'Tis of Thee".

The melody is also used for the national anthem of Liechtenstein, "Oben am jungen Rhein"

1745년 런던에 있는 두 극장에서 연주된 뒤 그 가락은 작곡가들이 빈번히 사용하였다.

이 가락은  유럽 대륙과 미국으로 건너가 널리 보급되어 "젊은 라인강 위에 "는 독일 리히텐슈타인의 국가로 ...

미국에서는 스미스(1808~95)가 "내 나라 영광된 조국"〈My Country 'Tis of Thee〉(1832)을 썼는데, 오바마 대통령 취임식에서 연주되는 등 미국에서도 국가 다음으로 가장 대중적인 애국송이




Britain National Anthem 

God Save the Queen 

God save our gracious Queen, 
Long live our noble Queen, 
God save the Queen! 
Send her victorious, 
Happy and glorious, 
Long to reign over us, 
God save the Queen! 

O lord God arise, 
Scatter our enemies, 
And make them fall! 
Confound their knavish tricks, 
Confuse their politics, 
On you our hopes we fix, 
God save the Queen! 

Not in this land alone, 
But be God's mercies known, 
From shore to shore! 
Lord make the nations see, 
That men should brothers be, 
And form one family, 
The wide world ov'er 

From every latent foe, 
From the assasins blow, 
God save the Queen! 
O'er her thine arm extend, 
For Britain's sake defend, 
Our mother, prince, and friend, 
God save the Queen! 

Thy choicest gifts in store, 
On her be pleased to pour, 
Long may she reign! 
May she defend our laws, 
And ever give us cause, 
To sing with heart and voice, 
God save the Queen! 



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