The Citing Articles

Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine

Jimie 2022. 2. 24. 16:56


Explosions are seen in the early hours of Thursday in Kharkiv, in eastern Ukraine


Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine 

12.5M subscribers
The operation is aimed at what Putin called the "demilitarization" and "denazification" of Ukraine.


Reports of explosions as Russian forces launch Ukraine military assault - BBC News

Feb 24, 2022 

11.5M subscribers
Russian forces have launched a major military assault in Ukraine, with reports of explosions near major cities across the country.

In a pre-dawn TV statement Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia did not plan to occupy Ukraine, but said Moscow's response would be "instant" if anyone tries to stop this.

Shortly afterwards, reports began of attacks on Ukraine's military targets. Ukraine said that "Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine".




푸틴 특별군사작전 선포…동남북 동시다발 우크라 침공 / 연합뉴스TV (YonhapnewsTV)

Feb 24, 2022