Wonderful World

"항복 않으면 발포" 러軍에 "지옥에나 가라".. 우크라 경비대에 애도 쏟아져

Jimie 2022. 2. 26. 03:41

"항복 않으면 발포" 러軍에 "지옥에나 가라".. 우크라 경비대에 애도 쏟아져

임보미 기자

입력 2022. 02. 26. 01:40 수정 2022. 02. 26. 02:21


'우크라 삼별초'..러軍에 항복거부 전원 사망 경비대 13인
공습 전 마지막 음성..우크라 대통령 "영웅으로 치하받을 것"

CNN 갈무리
우크라이나 남부 작은 지미니섬(뱀섬)에서 러시아 전함에 항복을 거부하고 끝까지 결사항전을 벌이다 섬 폭격으로 전원이 사망한 13인의 지미니섬 경비대에 대한 애도가 쏟아지고 있다.

25일 우크라이나 정부가 BBC, CNN등 방송에 공개한 교신 녹음에 따르면 러시아 전함은 우크라이나 군인에게 “러시아 전함이다. 불필요한 희생 발생을 피하기 위해 무기를 버리고 항복할 것을 제안한다. 그렇지 않으면 발포한다. 알겠나?”라는 메시지를 보냈고 이에 우크라이나 경비대는 “됐다. 꺼져라. 러시아 함대는 지옥에나 가라”라고 소리쳤다. 우크라이나 정부는 이 음성이 러시아가 지미니섬을 향해 공습을 시작하기 전 마지막으로 남은 음성이라고 전했다.

볼로미디르 젤렌스키 우크라이나 대통령은 이나 연설에서 “지미니섬에서 끝가지 국가를 수호하던 경비대원들이 영웅스러운 죽음을 맞았다. 이들은 끝까지 포기하지 않았다. 경비대 전원은 우크라이나 영웅으로 치하받을 것이다”라고 밝혔다.

임보미 기자 bom@donga.com

ⓒ 동아일보 & donga.com

‘Go fuck yourself’, Ukrainian soldiers on Snake Island tell Russian ship before being killed –


Russian War In Ukraine: Ukrainian Soldiers Last Words To Russian Warship In The Face Of Death

Feb 25, 2022

WarLeaks - Military Blog

1.58M subscribers


This radio recording of a conversation between Ukrainian soldiers on the so called Snake Island document the last words and toughts the man had just before a naval bombardement on their position started.

The Russian warship demanded their surrender to which they just replied with the words "Go f**k yourself!"

At around
18:00, Ukrainian State Border Guards announced that Snake Island had come under attack from Russian ships, during the first day of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.

22:00 (01:00 Moscow Time, UTC+2), the State Border Guard Service announced that Russian forces had captured the island following a naval and air bombardment that destroyed all infrastructure on the island.[4][5] Thirteen Ukrainian border guards, representing the entirety of the Ukrainian military presence on the island, were killed during the battle after refusing to surrender. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced they will all be awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine.

WarLeaks - Military Blog covers events, news, missions & facts from the United States Armed Forces including the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard and more! Furthermore you will find content about military weapons, weapon systems and technology here. All footage on this channel is footage the Ultimate Military Archive has permission to use or consists of derivative works created by the WarLeaks - Military Blog for educational and informational purposes. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense visual information on the WarLeaks - Military Blog does not imply or constitute Department of Defense endorsement.
                                                    Snake Island (Zmiinyi Island)
Snake Island, also known as Serpent Island (Greek: Φιδονήσι Fidonísi, Ancient Greek: Λευκή, Romanian: Insula Șerpilor, Ukrainian: Острів Зміїний, romanized: Ostriv Zmiinyi, Russian: Змеиный), is an island belonging to Ukraine located in the Black Sea, near the Danube Delta, with an important role in delimiting Ukrainian territorial waters.


Snake Island is an igneous rock formation located 35 km from the coast, east of the mouth of the Danube River


Coordinates : 45°15′N 30°12′E

Area : 0.17 km2 (0.066 sq mi)

Length : 0.662 km (0.4113 mi),  Width : 0.440 km (0.2734 mi), Highest elevation : 41 m (135 ft)


Snake Island, also known as Serpent Island

(Greek: Φιδονήσι Fidonísi, Ancient Greek: Λευκή, Romanian: Insula Șerpilor, Ukrainian: Острів Зміїний, romanized: Ostriv Zmiinyi, Russian: Змеиный) .