[브람스를 좋아하세요?]
Schumann (슈만)Träumerei | 트로이메라이 | piano & kalimba
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소리가 잘 안들려요. 병원 가봐야 할거 같네요.
Deep love from you to Schumann, Gorgeous playing such a beauty ❤️
What a beautiful sexy side ????
"Music is the language the soul" Thank you for sharing this lovely song. Love from Rhode Island. ☺♪♫♪♥♥♥☼
손열음│슈만, 트로이메라이 (R.Schumann, Träumerei) Pf.Yeol Eum Son
Kiss the rain - Yiruma 이루마 / piano + kalimba 피아노+칼림바연주
This kiss the rain was written by Yiruma of South Korea in 2003. This time Leezy used piano and thumb piano to play, it was really nice
The best of Yiruma's piano recital is" The River flows in You"
I was just going to bed. Now I can happily drift off to dreamland with your music echoing in my heart and mind. ≈♫♥♪♥♫≈
世界人類が平和でありますように ??
May Peace Prevail On Earth
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팔로워 74천명, 팔로잉 127명, 게시물 123개 - 이지 lee zy(@imleezy86)님의 Instagram 사진 및 동영상 보기
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