COP26: World at one minute to midnight over climate change - Boris Johnson
By Justin Rowlatt
Climate editor
The world is at "one minute to midnight", having run down the clock on waiting to combat climate change, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said.
He was speaking as world leaders arrived for the landmark COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow.
Speaking to the BBC, Mr Johnson said leaders needed to move from "aspiration to action" to slow global warming.
He added the summit was a "critical" moment for him, and said an ambitious outcome was still "in the balance".
For the first time, Mr Johnson also confirmed he did not want to see a controversial proposed coal mine in Cumbria go ahead.
"I'm not in favour of more coal," said the prime minister. "But it is not a decision for me, it is a decision for the planning authorities."
The government has been criticised for not stopping the mine project going ahead.
This is the strongest statement the prime minister has yet made on the subject - and could help negotiations, because persuading nations to phase out coal is one of the central goals the UK government has set for the crucial UN conference.
The UK is hosting the summit amid mounting concern among scientists that countries are not doing enough to limit the emissions of greenhouse gases, which have caused average global temperatures to rise.
The 2015 Paris climate conference called for average temperatures to rise by well below 2C, and preferably only 1.5C, when compared to pre-industrial averages.
World leaders arrived at the venue in Glasgow - which has officially become United Nations territory - for the official opening on Monday. Later, they will make statements setting out what their countries are doing on climate change.
As UN territory, the venue is being patrolled by armed UN officers and Police Scotland is only allowed to enter if they are invited by the UN secretary general - or if they believe there is a threat to life.
4Addressing attendees at the COP26 Boris Johnson said it was time to 'make this the moment when we began irrefutably to turn the tide and to begin the fightback against climate change' Credit: Reuters
Johnson - Now is the moment to get real about climate change (01.11.21)
Nov 2, 2021
Johnson - Now is the moment to get real about climate change
If we don't get serious about climate change today, it will be too late for our children to do so tomorrow. (01.11.21)
Boris urges leaders to defuse ‘doomsday device’ of climate change
Nov 2, 2021
1.75M subscribers
BORIS Johnson has urged leaders to be the James Bonds of the world - and diffuse the "doomsday device" of climate change.
In a sobering speech to open the historic Glasgow COP26 summit, the PM warned that time is running out to save the planet and demand they act now for the sake of their kids and grandkids.
In a sombre speech watched by Sir David Attenborough, Prince Charles and Camilla, and leaders from around the globe, he called on leaders to work out how to fix the "doomsday device" and save the world.
Charles and Sir David also gave rousing speeches to the leaders at the opening session of the summit, moving some in the room to tears.
Boris said the world's most-loved spy is usually found "desperately trying to work out which coloured wire to pull to turn it off, while a red digital clock ticks down remorselessly to a detonation that will end human life as we know it".
He warned gravely: "We are in roughly the same position, my fellow global leaders, as James Bond today...
"Except that the tragedy is that this is not a movie, and the doomsday device is real."
He admitted: "Not all of us necessarily look like James Bond.
UNCCC(United Nations Climate Change Conference) - COP(Conference of the Parties)
COP26 is a simple abbreviation of the event’s full title;
the 2021 UNCCC(United Nations Climate Change Conference) is known as COP26.
It brings together the Conference of the Parties for a number of treaties.
A conference of the Parties is the supreme governing body of an international convention, composed of representatives of all Parties and accredited observers of each treaty.
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