The Citing Articles

‘하늘의 암살자’ 즉각 핀셋 타격…“목표물 찾으면 또 공습”

Jimie 2021. 8. 28. 22:49

An MQ-9 Reaper drone flies a combat mission


US Drone Strike Targets ISIS-K Planner Following Kabul Airport Bombing


Aug 29, 2021


3.14M subscribers


The United States launched an airstrike following a suicide bombing at Kabul airport earlier this week. The target of the drone strike, believed to have been killed with no known civilian causalities, was an ISIS-K fighter believed to be involved in the planning future attacks, according to two U.S. defense officials. NBC’s Matt Bradley reports for Weekend TODAY.




More US Airstrikes Against ISIS-K Are ‘Certainly’ Coming, Adm. James Stavridis Says


Aug 29, 2021


3.14M subscribers


Retired Adm. James Stavridis joins Weekend TODAY’s Peter Alexander following the United States’ drone strike believed to have killed an ISIS-K fighter in retaliation for Thursday’s suicide bombing at a Kabul airport. “I wouldn’t even think of this as a down payment on our revenge,” he says. “It’s also a signal to the Islamic State that there is certainly more in the locker to come.”


‘하늘의 암살자’ 즉각 핀셋 타격…“목표물 찾으면 또 공습” | 뉴스A


Aug 28, 2021

Channel A News (Korea)

1.21M subscribers


‘하늘의 암살자’ 즉각 핀셋 타격…“목표물 찾으면 또 공습”

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