The Citing Articles

West New Zealand Or West Island

Jimie 2020. 4. 3. 07:31



Covid-19 coronavirus: Map of Australia as 'New New Zealand' goes viral as Aussies demand to be annexed by NZ

30 Mar, 2020 3:55pm

 2 minutes to read
Stop  Alarmism !
Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced gatherings have been further restricted to two people, under 'radical and unprecedented' measures agreed to by National Cabinet to slow the spread of coronavirus. Video / Australian Government

Australians dissatisfied with the leadership of Prime Minister Scott Morrison are banding together to call for New Zealand to annex Australia so the country can be under Jacinda Ardern's leadership.

A map dubbing Australia "New New Zealand" has gone viral on social media, alongside a call for Australia to "surrender to New Zealand immediately".

"Due to appalling lack of leadership here, and superb leadership over there, let's surrender Australia to New Zealand immediately," Scott Battersby, from Australia, posted on Facebook.

"Have them annex us and take control of our government. North Island, South Island, Big Island #newnewzealand Share away everyone ... let's get this done."



                             The post has been shared more than 18,000 times since it was first published on three days ago.


It has also received nearly 7,000 reactions.

In the comments, Australians support the mode to become part of New Zealand, although many say they would rather rename Australia "West New Zealand or the "West Island", as many already refer to it as that, in jest.

New Zealanders in the comments seem, for the most part, welcoming of their Australian brothers and sisters.


The post sparked further debate about how Australia is treating New Zealanders in the wake of the pandemic.

New Zealanders in Australia have been shut out of the Covid-19 welfare package, despite many of them working and paying taxes in the country for years.

Last week, the Australian Federal Government unveiled a raft of measures in a bid to stimulate Australia's coronavirus-hit economy, including a $750 payout and a "coronavirus supplement" of $550 a fortnight for those who've recently lost their jobs.

But New Zealand citizens aren't eligible for these payouts, even if they've been in Australia for years.



Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has asked Scott Morrison to grant Kiwis in Australia the same rights New Zealand grants Australians living here.

Her request has so far not been granted but Ardern says she will continue to monitor the situation.



Alarmism is

excessive or exaggerated alarm about a real or imagined threat, such as the increases in deaths from an infectious disease.

In the news media, alarmism can be a form of yellow journalism where reports sensationalise a story to exaggerate small risks.


*alarmism  미국/영국 [əlάːrmìzm]  ① 쓸데없는 걱정 ② 떠들어대기 ③ 그 경향



Stop  Alarmism !


Australians dissatisfied with the leadership of Prime Minister Scott Morrison are banding together to call for New Zealand to annex Australia so the country can be under Jacinda Ardern's leadership.



스코트수상의 리더십에 불만인 호주인들은 뉴질랜드가 호주를 저신다 리더 아래 병합하라는 요구에 몰려들고 있다.

A map dubbing Australia "New New Zealand" has gone viral on social media, alongside a call for Australia to "surrender to New Zealand immediately".

호주를 뉴뉴질랜드로 별명한 지도가 소셜미디어에 입소문으로 퍼졌다.호주는 즉시 NZ에 항복하라는 요구와 함께...

"Due to appalling lack of leadership here, and superb leadership over there, let's surrender Australia to New Zealand immediately," Scott Battersby, from Australia, posted on Facebook.

"여기는 리더십 부족으로 질리고, 그리고 그곳에는 최고의 리더십이니까,

호주는 당장 NZ에 투항합시다", 호주의 스코트 배터스비는 페이스북에 올렸다.

"그들에게 우리를 병합케 하여 우리정부(호주)를 다스리게 하자.북섬, 남섬,큰섬  #newnewzealand 모두 공유하자.......그렇게 되도록 합시다."

"Have them annex us and take control of our government. North Island, South Island, Big Island #newnewzealand Share away everyone ... let's get this done."


Due to appalling lack of leadership here, and superb leadership over there, let's surrender Australia to New Zealand immediately. Have them annex us and take control of our government. North Island, South Island, Big Island #newnewzealand Share away everyone... let's get this done






The post has been shared more than 18,000 times since it was first published on three days ago.


It has also received nearly 7,000 reactions.

포스팅은 3일전 처음 게재된 이래 18,000회 이상 공유되고 있다.

In the comments, Australians support the mode to become part of New Zealand, although many say they would rather rename Australia "West New Zealand or the "West Island", as many already refer to it as that, in jest.

코멘트중에, 호주인들은 NZ의 일부가 되는 방법(형태)을 지지한다. 이미 농담으로(in jest)  호주를 그렇게 부르듯이 많은 사람들은  호주를 "서NZ 또는 서섬"으로 개명하자고  말하지만.  

New Zealanders in the comments seem, for the most part, welcoming of their Australian brothers and sisters.

코멘트에서 대부분  뉴질랜드 사람들은 , 그들의 호주 형제자매들을 환영하고 있는 것으로 보인다.


The post sparked further debate about how Australia is treating New Zealanders in the wake of the pandemic.

그 글은 대역병 발생에서 호주가 NZ인들을 어떻게 대하는지에 대하여 더한 토론을 불러 일으켰다.    

New Zealanders in Australia have been shut out of the Covid-19 welfare package, despite many of them working and paying taxes in the country for years.


호주의 뉴질랜드인들은 많은 사람들이 오래 호주에서 일하고 납세하였음에도  코비드19 복지대책에서 제외되고 있다.


Last week, the Australian Federal Government unveiled a raft of measures in a bid to stimulate Australia's coronavirus-hit economy, including a $750 payout and a "coronavirus supplement" of $550 a fortnight for those who've recently lost their jobs.

지난주 호주연방정부는, 750달러와 최근 실직한 사람들에게 2주당 550달러 코로나바이러스 보조금을 포함하는,,, 코로나바이러스로 인한 경제를  자극하는 조치안을 발표했다. 

But New Zealand citizens aren't eligible for these payouts, even if they've been in Australia for years.

그러나 뉴질랜드시민은 그들이 호주에 오래 거주하였을지라도 그러한 지불에는 자격이 주어지지 않는다.


Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has asked Scott Morrison to grant Kiwis in Australia the same rights New Zealand grants Australians living here.

저신다 수상은 스코트 수상에게 호주의 키위(뉴질랜더)에게도 부여하라고 요청했다 .뉴질랜드가 뉴질랜드에 사는 호주인들에게 부여하는 것과 같은 권리를... 

Her request has so far not been granted but Ardern says she will continue to monitor the situation.

저신다의 요구는 지금껏 받아들여지지 않았지만 그녀는 상황을 계속 주시하겠다고 말하였다.

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