Japanese Arts

李香蘭、迎春花 (1942)

Jimie 2024. 5. 23. 04:04

李香蘭、迎春花 (1942)



迎春花 (1942) (電影「迎春花」主題歌) 詞:西條八十,白文會 曲:古賀政男


1:36 MV開始。



窓をあければ アカシヤの

打開窗戶的時候 洋槐的

(Japanese) The moment opening the windows, black locusts'


青い芽を吹く 春の風

青芽吹動著的 是春之風

(Japanese) green buds are swinging, by the breeze of spring.


ペチカうたえよ 別れの歌を

壁爐邊唱的是 離別的歌

(Japanese) Next to the heating stove, singing songs about departure.


春が来る来る 迎春花兒

春天來了來了 迎春花兒

(Japanese) Spring is coming closer and closer, (Mandarin) Welcome-Spring blossoms.


一朵兒開來 艷陽光

(Mandarin) A blossom blooms, and bright sunlight shines.


兩朵兒開來 小鳥兒唱

(Mandarin) Two blossoms bloom, and birds are singing.


滿洲春天 啊好春天

(Mandarin) Spring in Manchu, oh what a wonderful spring time.


行人襟上 迎春花兒

(Mandarin) People here have blossoms on their clothes, the Welcome-Spring blossoms.


春を知らせる 花ならば

通知春天來了 如果是花兒

(Japanese) If blossoms are telling us the spring is coming,


人のこころも わかる筈

也應該知道 人們的內心

(Japanese) they should also know what are on people's mind


今宵かの君 なにをか念う

有些想念 今夜的你

(Japanese) Tonight I miss you quite a bit.


われにささやけ 迎春花兒

在我耳邊輕輕細語 迎春花兒

(Japanese) Whispering in my ears, (Mandarin) Welcome-Spring blossoms.









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