South Korean President Yoon Sings 'American Pie' at Biden's State Dinner | VOANews
22,139 views Apr 28, 2023 #southkorea #voanews
▶️ South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol briefly sang for the crowd at a White House state dinner hosted by U.S. President Joe Biden on Wednesday night.
👉 Yoon is on a six-day state visit to Washington, where he discussed with U.S. President Joe Biden on Wednesday "the end" of any North Korean regime that used nuclear weapons against the allies.
But the two leaders had more cheerful topics on the agenda at the White House state dinner in Yoon's honor later that day, with the South Korean leader — who is known at home to be something of a karaoke buff — sharing his love of American music.
"We know this is one of your favorite songs, 'American Pie,'" Biden said to Yoon, having pulled him up onto the stage at the end of the evening to listen to singers perform the classic.
"Yes, that's true," the 62-year-old Yoon admitted, saying that he had loved the Don McLean song, released in 1971, since he was at school.
"We want to hear you sing it," said Biden.
"It's been a while but..." Yoon responded, offering only token resistance as he took the microphone.
Yoon belted out the first few lines of the song a cappella, triggering rapturous applause from the crowd and delighting Biden and the First Lady. #southkorea #voanews
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